Tuesday, March 8, 2016

I'm a little nervous, but I've made a decision. My new book, which I am editing at the moment, was to be a sequel to The 13th Lighthouse. I was recently inspired for a story line for the next book, which will be a part of a trilogy. So my sequel has now become book 2 of the new trilogy, which is to be called The Lighthouse Trilogy. I'm not quite ready to release the titles yet, but I do have the covers and title for both book 2 and 3.  I already have the story for the third book rolling around in my head.  It's starting to come together as far as characters go.  I'm excited -- I think. I found out the last time, that doing a trilogy puts pressure on me to produce. I can't start and then throw it out if it's no good. I have to complete what's been promised. Wish me luck. I pray my writing muse is with me.

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