Thursday, February 13, 2025

Deep Snow in the North


If you're in one of the states that looks like this today, I can sympathize with you; but maybe whatever you were supposed to do today was canceled, and just maybe you'll have time to read a good book. That's a plus. If you do find yourself with some extra 'me' time, don't forget about my latest book in my series Branches of Time, because there just might be buried gold underneath all of that snow! Of course we won't be able to find out until spring, but remember February is the shortest month of the year, and spring has never failed to arrive yet! It's just around the corner. Positive thoughts.

Saturday, February 8, 2025

I'm Injured


Have you noticed that I have been quiet on my Facebook page? That's because two weeks ago I bent over to retrieve something while twisting my body at the same time, and I hurt myself. After an extreme amount of pain for two days, I decided to go to the ER. Many tests later they sent me home with drugs. They called it Tendinopathy. It seems I tore a tendon that connects to the hip. The recovery time for this is three weeks to three months. I have finally been able to give up using a walker, but I move slowly as I'm not totally healed yet. Needless to say this has slowed down my writing considerably. It has been a bad last few months for me as far as productivity, but I think I'm ready to go again.

So let's see what Skye and Rem are up to. Even I don't know at this point 🙂

Tuesday, January 21, 2025

Visions of Gold

 Visions of Gold

Click here for the newest book in Branches of Time.  I'm so happy to bring you the next installment.  After reading it one last time before publication, I was just as thrilled and as excited as when I wrote it.  Who would have thought that the two lovers, Skye and Rem, would ever be torn apart?  Will they get back together?  And who is hoping to find gold, but more importantly, where is it?  I'm so thrilled by the possibilities that I want to go prospecting myself when Spring returns!  

If you're a fan of Diana Gabaldon and you're looking for a new twist on time traveling, please read my series, starting with A Slip in Time, and then continue on with the spinoff series, Branches in Time.

Oh, and don't forget to leave a review.  I appreciate it more than you know.

Thursday, December 19, 2024

Holiday Stress


Are you like me on the holidays? Do you have a long list of things to get done? Or several lists? Yes, I'm a list maker. I have them at my desk, on my kitchen counter, and I even use my Notes folder on my phone. Lately that's become the most reliable, because the other ones seem to get displaced once I remove the sheet from the tablet.
1. I have a general list for shopping. At this point it's last minute grocery items.
2. The gift list is complete; I can breathe a sigh of relief with that one, but I still keep it around, just in case.
3. And then the list of things to be done in order. Today, I'll make this dish to pass, tomorrow bake cookies, or fudge. Next I'll wrap presents.
4. Then the day before Christmas, I begin the final house cleaning and plan out my plates and dishes to be used.
See what I did there? I can't help myself. I made a list of my lists.
And all of this is for my very small family. Only two more will be present on Christmas Eve, but I still want to follow our traditions no matter how many people are here.
Are you like me? As you age do you hate to give up your normal Christmas routine? Maybe you have a young family and are just getting started in your annual traditions. Maybe you're trying to do things the way Mom always did; you just want everything to be perfect. All of this is written to the women in the house, of course. The men seem to merrily float along and take it all in their stride. Go ahead and vent. Tell me about your stresses. I'll listen. I can handle it.

Saturday, December 14, 2024

Christmas Sale

 On sale for a limited time only.  Pinecones and Promises is only $.99 on Kindle! If you haven't read this sweet Christmas romance, get it while you can at this great price.  Only a few days left.  And there's still time to order a paperback gift for your friends on Amazon. 

Pinecones and Promises.

Nate Finnegan has never been a fan of Christmas. His homelife as a child did not include pine trees and holly wreaths. It was not that he disliked Christmas; he just didn't have an opinion one way or another. When he decides to move to Michigan to work on a pine tree farm while going to college, he meets the Sparks family. For them Christmas is not only an occupation, it is the best part of the year and what family is all about. Soon their enthusiasm becomes infectious, and Nate has a big change of heart.
Molly Sparks, the pine tree farmers' daughter, is exactly the girl Nate has dreamed about falling in love with, and having a family like the Sparks is something Nate has been waiting for his entire life. But as the young couple soon begin to discover, things aren't always as easy as they first seem. Will the promises they make to each other ever be fulfilled? Or will Nate be left forever hoping for something unattainable? It takes a Christmas miracle to work out the details of this sweet and tender love story.

Saturday, December 7, 2024

It's Cover Reveal Time!

 I finished my book two days ago and am in the editing process now.  I'm hoping to get it to you soon, but in the meantime here is my cover.  I absolutely love it.  Does it tempt you?

Stick around.  I'll give you a small sample of what this is about in a few days. Hang on to your hat, it's another bumpy ride for Rem and Skye.

Sunday, December 1, 2024

It's Christmas Time!


Did you get enough shopping done on Black Friday? I did my share, but I have a little ways to go. But never fear, there's still Cyber Monday tempting me.

While you're on the computer looking for good things to buy for your family or friends, consider my two Christmas Novellas. They're both sweet little romances with a lot of heart.
Pinecones and Promises is a standalone story set at a Christmas tree farm. Where else would you expect it to be if you live in Michigan? 🙂
A Kindred Christmas can be read as a standalone, but you will get more out of it if you have already read The Kindred Spirit Bed and Breakfast in The White Pine Trilogy. I list it as number 3.5 in the series.
These two together can make a perfect gift in a basket with some hot chocolate packets, tea bags, a mug, and some warm socks, suggesting a cozy evening of reading by a fire.
Happy shopping!

Monday, November 25, 2024

Black Friday Deal


Guess what? I joined in the Black Friday frenzy!

For ten days only the Kindle edition of Yesterday's Tears has been marked down to $.99. If you haven't started the A Slip in Time series yet, here's your chance to give book number one a try. I promise you, you'll like it and you'll come back for more.
If you have read this series and enjoyed it, could you share this post and the great deal with your reader friends? I would appreciate it. The more the merrier on the train ride to Twin Lake! Thank you.
Here's the link:

Tuesday, November 19, 2024


 I'll let you in on a secret. I often had doubts about becoming an author.

When blogging was a big thing, several years ago, I wrote four blogs at a time, and then I realized I was wasting my time writing articles when I really wanted to write stories. I recently came across this article I wrote about myself for my blog called Bits, Tales, and Yarns. It reflects what I was feeling at the time. I decided to let you see it, even though it expresses some of my insecurities. I'm not sure of the year but I think it was around 2010. I wrote my first book in 2014.
I Always Wanted To Be a Writer
I've wanted to be a writer since I was in 5th grade, but I also wanted to be a lot of other things then, too. I started taking piano lessons when I was 5 and continued until I was 19. My parents had a plan for me to be a music teacher, and since I was an obedient child, I did what was expected of me. When I was 15, I gave my first piano lesson and continued to do that for 45 more years, with just a little time off for babies. It was a good way to earn a living, and I was happy with it. The challenges were tough but the rewards were huge! I had a great sense of satisfaction watching my students grow up to become pianists -- well some of them anyway. But writing was always calling to me.
In the 5th grade, I actually wrote a book which I passed around to all of my friends to read. My cousin folded and stapled pages into a book form and then I wrote out 10 chapters with a pencil. It was a young girl's idea of a love story about the Rose Bowl game, the handsome quarterback, and the beautiful young woman who was chosen Queen, with the chance to ride in the parade perched royally on the back of a convertible. There was no such thing as color TV then, so the beautiful colors of the Rose Parade with the flowers and seeds on the floats were all in my imagination. I wrote descriptions of floats that I conjured up in my mind and told about the wonderful bands that were seen marching down the street. At that point in my life, I had never been out of the state of Michigan, but I pretended I knew all about California living. It was pre-computer so there was no way to do instant research. I was way too young for a driver's license and my father refused to let me ride my bike downtown; therefore there was no way to get to the library. I'm sure the details were quite inaccurate, but I didn't care and neither did my friends. My book was a big hit, and I was proud of it.
I've always been the kind of person who has many hobbies, and writing was just one of them. Being bored is a concept I know nothing about. There's always something to do; the question is what will I do with my time and how will I make the best use of it. I forged on through the years, writing in diaries (as we called them then) sending long letters home when I was living out of the country, and writing personal notes to my husband and daughters at various times in their lives when bits of encouragement were called for.
I guess what I'm trying to say is that I've never been disciplined enough to set aside time during the day to practice the craft of writing. I often wake up in the morning and the first thing that comes to mind is an idea for a story or a great first line for a book. I will jot those down on scrap paper only to lose them later; in other words, I do nothing with my great ideas. I don't know why I do that because it is not my true personality. I'm actually a type A; I am a perfectionist in all things -- well let's say I strive for perfection. I like neat, tidy lists for everything I do. So I have now come to believe that the reason I never found time to write is because I'm afraid of failure.
I started this blog dedicated to writing, completely separate from other blogs I write about gardening and cooking. I promised myself that this time would be different. I would open up my heart and pour out my soul. After a few attempts, I see that it is not going anywhere, either. I seem to create stumbling blocks, purposefully blocking my efforts to put on paper what is in my head. Now I'm wondering, do I really want to be a writer or have I been kidding myself for many, many years? If I do, it's time to do something about it or else stop saying "I always wanted to be a writer."
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Michael Sipe, Linda Stults Seese and 31 others