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  1. I just finished Yesterday's Hopes after reading book one. I loved the books so much I can't wait to read the next book, Yesterday's Dreams. I was disappointed that Dora went back to her time and left the love of her life, Wade, without a fight. Way if the son Myra claims is not Wade's son? Would he go back and beg Dora for another chance? Would he venture to 2019 in search of her? Could be without the family DNA? Would Fran need to go back and convince her return? What if Dora were pregnant with Ward's child? Please don't let this series end with only 3 books. The characters and the story line is so rich and full that I have taken them in my heart as family. What happens to Ned? Does Ruthie grow up and marry the man of her dreams?
    You have a new fan! I can't wait to read other books by yoy. Thank you for sharing your living imagination with us.

    1. Thank you for your lovely comments, Lorie. I'm thrilled that you love and understand my characters so well. You have very good instincts and insight into their motives and what may or may not become of them in the future. I am currently working on book 3 with plans for book 4. I did not plan for this to be a long series, but I can see so many possibilities and I am having so much fun them that it is highly possible that A Slip in Time will go on for a while. It all depends on my 'muse.'
      Thank you for being a fan. I truly appreciate you. I would love it if you could leave a review at Amazon or Goodreads. It's a big help in bringing my books to the attention of others.
      Best Wishes and Happy Reading, Jane O'Brien

  2. Well Jane, all I can say is" That what "Lorie Belle said", I am glad Wade was not a "bad guy". I too questioned whether James was really Wade's son. Loved the first two books and can't wait to see what happens with Dora and Daniel!!! So many possibilities!!

    1. Thank you for your interest and insights into my books, Pat. I'm hoping Book 3 will be available to you sometime in January, 2020. Some of your questions will be answered and I'm sure more will surface. I love it when my readers get so involved with my characters. Happy Reading, Jane O'Brien

  3. Ok, Jane...I am SO hooked!!! I just finished book 3, went looking for book 4, and found that it's not out yet! I'm dying here!!! When to expect Yesterday's Woes??? I am anxiously awaiting, as I'm sure all your other readers are!!! Loving this series!����

    1. I have just started to work on Yesterday's Woe's. I'm only a quarter of the way through. I don't expect to be done until April or May, as I am scheduled for surgery in March and it will slow down my progress. Please be patient. I love that you are interested in my books. Follow my blog or Facebook page for updates.

  4. Hi Jane I'm so glad I found you I love your style of writing it keeps you interested not to flowery not to fast paced just enough to prompt one's imagination. I just finished books 4 yesterdays woes so where is book 5 yesterdays blood? I must find out about Daniel lol

  5. Hi finished book 4 yesterdays woes is book 5 yesterdays blood out yet i love this series

  6. I love the series Yesterday's! I just finished book 4. I am anxiously awaiting book 5. Honestly it can't come fast enough! I love the characters and feel like i personally know each one and they have become dear friends. I need to know what happens to them all, please hurry lol. Thank you for a most enjoyable time through your books.

  7. I finished all of the time travel books and waiting on book 7 and I guess now 8. Love them all and the Unforgettable series. Wow that one blew me away!! The way you connected everything was amazing. Thank you for your hard work.

    1. Thank you for writing. I'm so glad you are loving my books. The Unforgettables are also some of my favorites. Of course the book I'm working on at the moment usually takes first place. :)

  8. i loved all 7 of the slip in time series and i am very keen to read the next one yesterdays mercy, i would love to know when it's going to be published

  9. Thank you for writing! I'm so happy you like A Slip in Time. I'm currently still working on Yesterday's Mercy, but I hope to have it published by August. Please continue following my blog for updates, and you can also join me on Facebook
