Friday, May 21, 2021

Yesterday's Blood on Audible

 For those of you who are audiobook listeners, I'm happy to announce that Yesterday's Blood, Book 5 in A Slip in Time, went live yesterday on Audible, iTunes, and Amazon. If you are interested in a promo code, I have some available for both U.S and U.K. Please private message me, as each one is only good for one use. I encourage you to listen to the awesome voice of my narrator, Belinda Lams, at lamsolutions. It's so much fun to hear my book in action. And don't forget to leave a review whether you are reading or listening. It helps others to find my books.

Listen to a free sample here before you purchase.

Yesterday's Blood on Audible

Monday, May 10, 2021

Book Signing

 Come and celebrate the release of my 20th book with me at the Darley Village Cafe at 2245 Darley Dr., Muskegon MI, 49444 where I will be signing books, offering cookies and coffee, and running some giveaways. All of my books will be available for purchase. Bring a previously purchased book along to have it signed! It's easy to find. Go to the address above to Darley Village just off Sternberg Rd, turn left and follow the curve to the Village Coffee shop and leasing office sign. All are welcome. Masks are required to enter the building. Hope to see you there! 

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