Tuesday, November 9, 2021

New Release - The Golden Crystal

 BIG ANNOUNCEMENT! The Golden Crystal, which could previously only be read on Vella, is now available on both paperback and Kindle. If you liked The Unforgettables, you will love this newest addition, Book 6, of the series. If you haven't read this series, I recommend starting with Book 1, Ruby and Sal.

In this book you will go back in time to a young gypsy named Gina, and as you read along, the background of who she is and how she connects to the families in this series is slowly revealed. I hope you love this new Gina like I do, because more books are already being planned. Once I started writing about this captivating and magical person, I couldn't let her go.
For fans of A Slip in Time, never fear. I'm still working hard on Yesterday's Boys.

The Golden Crystal

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