Tuesday, March 22, 2022

Coming Soon

 I did a happy dance yesterday, because I finished Yesterday's Treasures, Book 10 in A Slip in Time. I'll take a day off so I can start with a fresh mind tomorrow, then I'll begin the arduous task of proofreading and editing, before the manuscript is sent off to my beta readers for more critiquing. But with any luck, this book might come to you earlier than I originally thought. Stay tuned. The Boys might need you!

Thursday, March 17, 2022

My Irish Heritage


Happy Saint Patrick's Day! Yes, I am Irish. The photo is of The O'Brien Tartan Plaid. Isn't it beautiful? The O'Briens on my family tree goes back to 1135, but there are many other names listed as well, such as O'Connor, Kennedy, O'Kelly, MacWilliam, MacNamara, and on and on. Although all of these people are on my family tree, my Irish percentage is small, but I still claim it proudly. How Irish are you?