Saturday, February 8, 2025

I'm Injured


Have you noticed that I have been quiet on my Facebook page? That's because two weeks ago I bent over to retrieve something while twisting my body at the same time, and I hurt myself. After an extreme amount of pain for two days, I decided to go to the ER. Many tests later they sent me home with drugs. They called it Tendinopathy. It seems I tore a tendon that connects to the hip. The recovery time for this is three weeks to three months. I have finally been able to give up using a walker, but I move slowly as I'm not totally healed yet. Needless to say this has slowed down my writing considerably. It has been a bad last few months for me as far as productivity, but I think I'm ready to go again.

So let's see what Skye and Rem are up to. Even I don't know at this point 🙂

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