This month, on Wednesday August 30, 2023, there will be a Blue Moon. I've always loved that term as my mother used it often when she would say something only happens 'Once in a Blue Moon.' And one of my favorite songs is Blue Moon, a melancholy love song..
If you're unfamiliar with the term, it means there will be a second full moon in the same month and as it happens that is only a few days away. But this moon is special because it is also a Supermoon, meaning it is the closest to the Earth that it has been all year. So look to the skies on Wednesday for a spectacular view of the moon, and say hello to the 'Old Man' for me. In the meantime, catch up on your reading of A Slip in Time and so you can move on to the spin-off, Branches in Time, because book 2 Threatening Skye is coming soon. I can't wait for you to read it!
If you were one of the lucky ones who happened to fall in love under a Blue Moon, send me your story. I'd love to read it. Who knows? It might make it into one of my books!
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