Friday, January 1, 2021

Happy New Year!

We did it! We made it to 2021! Happy New Year! Whoo hoo!
All I know is that this year seemed impossible to achieve when I was a little kid. I thought we would all be flying around in space ships like the Jetsons. But things pretty much seem the same as they have for the last few decades.
I have spent this past year reading all of Janet Evanovich Stephanie Plum mysteries. I finally caught up to the newest one, book 27, Fortune and Glory, and am looking forward to it. These books are light-hearted, sometimes to the point of being silly, but they make me laugh while I'm solving a crime. I have never found anything quotable in any of the 26 books I've read before, but in Book 26 I came across something that really said it all for me considering this past year. Once again it's silly, but it's just the way I think. Let me know your thoughts. Evanovich's character Stephanie Plum said: "I found a Fred Astair movie on the old movie channel and watched him dance with Ginger Rogers. Ginger was slim and Fred was slim and instead of talking all the time, sometimes they would sing. And then they would dance for no special reason and they'd be in perfect step without practicing. How cool is this? This is the planet I want to live on."
Me too! May the year 2021 be one where we can all dance perfectly together without practicing!


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